In today’s world, women are busier and more stressed than ever before. As mothers, business owners and professionals, it’s important that we stay on top of our game and in control of our lives!
Brazillian Jiu Jistu (BJJ) is GREAT way to strengthen both your body and your mind by providing a set of tools and disciplines that nearly anyone can apply.
Our Women’s Only BJJ Classes Provide Students With:
- Friendly Atmosphere, a family-within-the-family at our school
- Female-Only training environment
- Personalized attention from Coach Katy, who tailors the class to the ladies who attend, working on Jiu Jitsu techniques that are most effective for women
- Great Workout! Warm Up, Technique Practice and Training with Resistance: All tailored to each woman, depending on their experience-level and fitness level.
But What If I’m Not The “Fighting Type”?
Let me tell you a story about a girl who gave up on athletics in 5th grade when she went an entire softball season without hitting a single ball at bat… but then became a Blue Belt Pan American Champion in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at 29 years old.
That’s me, I’m Coach Katy, and at the time I’m writing this I am 32 years old and my daughter Rosa Maria is about to turn 2 years old.
I am a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and I have been training for more than six years.
I want to share my story with you because you might have some of the same fears I had about trying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
- Will it be too hard?
- Will I get hurt?
- Will I ever be good at it?
- What if I just can’t do it?
I totally understand those fears, because I had all of them, too. My husband, Roberto Torralbas, was a purple belt when we met, and while I thought BJJ was a wonderful thing for him to practice, I couldn’t imagine myself ever trying it.
I had failed at athletics as a child, and had never gotten over it. I had convinced myself that I would be incapable of being good at any sport, let alone one that looked as challenging as jiu jitsu.
“But through my twenties, I found myself struggling more and more each year with my weight.”
I had been about 150 pounds in high school, and maybe 165 when I graduated from college.
But each year a few more pounds crept on, despite my attempts to eat healthy and exercise, and one day I found myself weighing almost 190 pounds. I freaked out. I tried the gym, running on the treadmill, doing CrossFit workouts, bootcamp classes, spinning classes, nothing was working.
Then one day I went to a jiu jitsu competition with Roberto, where some of the women from Team Third Law happened to be competing. I had gone to competitions before, but I had never paid much attention to the women’s divisions.
This time I did, and I saw women of all types: younger and older than me, smaller and bigger than me, in good shape and fairly out of shape. And I looked at them, and I asked Roberto:
“Well, if they can do it, couldn’t I do it, too?”
“Yes, of course!,” he replied.
“I was so nervous to try out my first class, I’ll never forget it.”
I went to the Women-Only class on Saturday at 10:30 am (now I teach that class!), and even though it was my fiance’s school, I was petrified.
But the women were so nice and helpful, walking me through each step of the technique over and over again, and it was so much fun… I had a blast. And I went back the next week, and the week after that.
Fast forward about 6 months and I was doing classes about 3 times per week and I had already lost 20 pounds. Eight months in, I was down 30 pounds. One year in and I had lost about 60 pounds, all without any extreme dieting.
And, I was absolutely in love with training jiu jitsu. See the thing about this sport, is that it is so much fun to practice that you forget about the fact that you are even working out. It’s a mental game of strategy, played with the body.
So while your mind is focusing on learning a new technique, you are working every muscle in your body without even thinking about it. And all of sudden you look up at the clock and 2 hours have gone by and you’ve burned 1000 calories.
“Everything in our classes is a gradual process…”
…so wherever you are in your fitness and athletic level, we will meet you there, and help you improve.
Jiu Jitsu changed my life because it gave me control over my health and also taught me that I was capable of so much more than I’d ever dreamed. That is what I want for you.
When Roberto and I were ready to start a family I have to admit, I was a little afraid again. I was afraid of the weight gain that was associated with pregnancy, and also of returning to a competitive sport after taking a year off.
On the night I gave birth to our little girl I weighed more than 200 pounds.
Nine months later I was back down to 145 pounds, all thanks to training jiu jitsu.
And while returning to competition after pregnancy was probably one of the most mentally challenging things I have done, it also has been one of the most rewarding. I am so glad that I didn’t give up in the moments when it was difficult.
Now, nearly two years after Rosa was born, I am winning international tournaments at purple belt in the 18-29 year olds division, even though I’m 32 years old.
When we talk about motivation and choices we make as humans in this life, we talk about our “Why,” meaning:
“What is it that drives us to do the things we do?”
For me, when that little girl was born nearly two years ago, my “Why” changed in a big way. I know any of you who are reading this who are moms understand what I mean when I say that. Suddenly, it wasn’t all about me anymore, it was really not about me at all any more. Everything suddenly became all about her.
So now, as a mom, I challenge myself every day even more, because I want to show her just how amazing the human body and the human mind can be. I want to show her what amazing things humans, and especially women, are capable of.
I want her to know that it is possible to work hard, have a wonderful, happy family and at the same time pursue out-of-this-world-sized dreams. I know that if I tell her she is capable of great things, she might not really hear me.
But if I show her, through my own actions, maybe, just maybe, it’ll be a lesson she will internalize.
And if I hadn’t taken that risk years ago, and tried out this crazy sport, I don’t know if I’d ever had learned that lesson, or felt that limitless potential in myself.
“So if you are considering trying out our class, but you’re nervous or scared, please, just give me a call.”
I’ve been there. If you think you’re too old, or too out of shape, or too inexperienced, I’ve been there, I know how you feel.
I’d love to talk to you about how we can help you gain the benefits you’re hoping to from training.
Trying this sport has truly changed my life, and I know it can do the same for you. Whatever your path, whatever your fears, whatever your goals, let’s talk about them.
Call me today! I always answer our phone, and if by some chance you get our voicemail, it’ll be me who will call you back. I can’t wait to start training with you!
Coach Katy Torralbas Gold Medalist at the Women’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Pan American Championship in 2013
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