Juniors Ages 11-13

Did You Know That This Could Be Your Last Opportunity To Give Your Child The Confidence, Self Esteem, Discipline, and Respect That He Will Need For The Fast Approaching Teens Years… Save Yourself From A Rebellious Teen!

Dear Parent,

All ages bring their difficulties and challenges and it is really hard work to be able to adjust and sometimes your son or daughter has changed and grown in front of you eyes and things that were fun, now are embarrassing (i.e or kiss mom or dad goodbye as your drop them at school). With all these changes, a different kind of peer pressure arises, outside influences now seem to be a bigger factor in their discipline and behavior at school and/or home.

You may even start to notice your kids slip a profanity word every now and then…why? Because they are using them with their friends and bad habits begins to develop. You may notice their new favorite songs may have more profanity that the ones they used to listen to before. These and more signs of change is what you may see, but here is what is around the corner and you may not see:

  • yellow-triangle Drugs
  • yellow-triangle Sex
  • yellow-triangle Dropping Out of High School
  • yellow-triangle Low Grades
  • yellow-triangle Dislike for School
  • yellow-triangle Following of the Crowd Instead of Developing Leadership Ability
  • yellow-triangle And much more

Sometimes parents fear all this things and do not want to accept that their little ones are no longer little! They may have shelter them and allow the to do activities that do not correspond to their age level like playing video games excessively, playing with kids in the neighborhood that are younger, etc.. Parents sometimes do not demand more of their child’s new, more developed brain when in fact their child can handle more:





Another interesting thing occurs in the ”Junior Phase.” Obesity may start to catch up, lack of athletic ability may also follow with a natural decrease in flexibility due to growth spurts (but all this can be avoided if involved in an activity as athletic as Martial Arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and Wrestling). Your kids are hungry because they are growing, but most of the food in the United States is so over produced, high fructose corn syrup is everywhere…. And if you add video games or just hanging out at home…it is very likely that your son/daughter may enter his teens years out of shape, which will affect their confidence for sure!

Then parents try to compensate for this challenges by having conversations, and developing new way to challenge their kids and even develop new disciplinary methods, but sometimes that doesn’t not work as well as before? Why?

Your Kids, as they grow, become more rebellious and immune to your advice. Is the natural process of how we grow…so don’t worry about this …but what we have to worry that we do whatever we can to keep them in the path.

In A Nutshell: You Need Aa Many Allies To Fight The Outside Pressures Aa You Can!

We can be your biggest one. I always educate all of our parents about the following saying I have:

“At one point we will find it impossible to control their new friends, and who they hang out with, they may even lie to us, but what you can control is their environment, and kids will make friends no matter where, is a natural process”- Master Roberto Torralbas

Attention: If you feel your child is not subject o any above challenges give us a call and express what challenges he might be subject to. Our program truly challenges kids to be better everyday. We have had many kids who already seemed very confident, we have encouraged Juniors to take higher honor classes and in high school AP classes (Advanced Placement or College Credit). If they are good young athletes we take them to the next level. We believe by challenging them to become better in every aspect of their lives we can keep them in the path to success.

Worry No More!

Our Martial Arts program will keep your child in the right path and encourage the road less traveled, the road to success ! Here is why it works so well:

1-) Your kids will respect us and are not immune to our message – they have never heard it before

2-) Our instructors are young and cool in their eyes – from their point of view we can kick some major butt, are super strong , friendly at times, and scary disciplinarians when needed ;)!

3-) We will leverage our influence to encourage your child to accomplish and overaccomplish new goals and skills

4-) Our program has helped many kids suffering from obesity develop athletic ability and get in shape, which has also resulted in huge increase in confidence by offering a realistic from of self defense in which there is safe live action that can burn over 500 calories per 30 minutes!

5-) We expect them to become more responsible, crying is not tolerated for nonsense, and to behave like young adults. We want them to be prepare for high school and our Teens program.

Third Law Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Naples, FL Juniors COmpeting at NAGA Torunament

We Use Competition As A Tool to Teach Our Students Hard Work, Sportsmanship, And How To Deal And Overcome Challeneges.

The Junior Phase is great way top prepare your child for the difficult high school years ahead. And we truly understand this and have created programs aside to help them be super prepared.

  • yellow-triangle 25 Manners Every Child should Know.
  • yellow-triangle 25 Conversations Before the Age of 16
  • yellow-triangle And 12 Monthly Assignments teachers don’t teach anymore
  • yellow-triangle Bully Prevention Programs For Juniors and Teens

Each of this program plays an important part in their development. Our teens that graduate from our Juniors Program are super strong mentally and physically. The changes in maturity level, and responsibility can be astonishing at times. And as far as their physical and athletic ability, it is very common to have 14 year olds at our school that can defeat 18-23-33 year old adults with pure skill. They are humble but they can take care of themselves!

Attention: If you feel your child is not subject to any above challenges give us a call and express what challenges he might be subject to.


A lot of parents these days decide to go with a home school education due to their disappointment in our current educational system. If your son or daughter is home schooled then you will really see an incredible additional benefit of our program that could really supercharge your child with confidence and social skills:

  • yellow-triangle Interaction with Positive Peers His Same Age in A Safe, Challenging Environment

We have had many kids that come from a home school education and our program is a great compliment to it for the reason stated above. Many of our previous home school kids were shy, quiet, and kept very much to themselves. Sometimes they struggle even understanding slight jokes.

I have had the pleasure to see many of them transform into confident kids that have learned how to carry conversations and interact with adults and kids their own age that at one point they couldn’t!

Hi my name is Roberto Torralbas and I am the Head Instructor of Team third law Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts and I want to tell you that our program can take your son or daughter to the next level.

Our Junior Programs is part of our 14+ year Martial Arts program for kids and teens that spans from ages 3-5 (Tiny Ninjas), 6-9 (Little Ninjas),and 10-13 (Juniors), and 14-17 (Teens) programs. I am very proud of the fact we can take any kid and give the opportunity to:

  • yellow-triangle Develop Motor Skills and Incredible Athletic Ability
  • yellow-triangle Develop Focus and Discipline
  • yellow-triangle Great Self Defense Skills and Life Skill Lessons (Character and Confidence: Honesty and Integrity)
  • yellow-triangle Develop Positive Habits
  • yellow-triangle Mastery of Brazilian Jiu Jitusu, Wrestling, and Muay Thai Kickboxing

Many kids stay with us all the way into adulthood, with some going on to our adult classes and becoming some of our best competitors and teacher assistants.


Roberto Torralbas

This is how the Juniors program works

The Juniors program is carefully designed program that challenges and develop important life skills of pre-teens/ middle schoolers – high schoolers through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Jiu-Jitsu is our medium to challenge your children and teach them how to be strong. How does it work?


Jiu-Jitsu is by far considered the ultimate self-defense martial art. It’s a sport that requires very high physical ability (cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy, and mental toughness).

As we mold your child for our adults program you will see him or her become more coordinated and more physically fit, as well as stronger and faster. A child that can run faster, and is stronger and more agile than their peers tends to develop an invaluable life tool: CONFIDENCE.

Once you have instilled confidence, sit back and watch your child achieve anything they desire to. Confidence is a benefit that children get out of our programs that most parents do not realize.


While confidence is a major tool, sometimes it is not enough to get kids through emotional challenges.

On top of being a demanding sport that will make your child physically competent, Jiu-Jitsu at the Third Law Academy emphasizes a friendly, family environment. How do we do it? We simply don’t let everyone train. At our academy, your child will be surrounded by great mentors (professionals, school teachers, coaches) who, above all, are GOOD HUMAN BEINGS.

At Third Law BJJ, we are all connected by our passion for Jiu-Jitsu. We talk about jiu-jitsu. When your kid becomes good at Jiu-jitsu, adults will be talking about his skills, and even asking questions on how to do a certain technique. Do you know how important it makes a child feel when an adult respects his opinion and listens to what he has to say? A LOT. Now guess what this does for him.

It builds self-esteem. Self-Esteem is the characteristic a person possesses that makes them feel of great value, and, usually, is the key ingredient we will help your child develop to better cope with emotional challenges.

Because your child will get the chance to train with adults on certain adult day classes, this will give him/her the ability to interact and feel his/her input appreciated by older peers. This will increase self-esteem.

Because your child will be among the older kids in the children’s classes this will put him/her automatically in a leadership position as well, once again, increasing both confidence and self-esteem.


So far we have told you how we will increase your child’s confidence, self-esteem and physically competency, and also presented some scenarios in which he/she will be dealing with older and younger training partners where he/she will be expected to respect, follow orders and also be a leader.

One thing that we have left out is the ability for your child to learn self-defense. Funny thing is that Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art – but at this point we see that major benefits include more than just simply learning self defense. Self esteem and confidence are two major benefits.

Nevertheless, knowing how to deal will bullies and how to defend oneself is very important. When I say dealing with bullies, I refer to how to be smarter than them and how to avoid confrontations by being wiser.

But sometimes, being wise is not enough. The website KidsHealth.com is an amazing resource for kids and parents. They did a small survey in which they asked 1,229 boys and girls to answer some questions about bullying. Nearly half of them said they had been bullied before. Some said it was happening every day. Others said it only happened once in a while. Here’s how the group answered:

How often have you been bullied?

  • yellow-triangle Every day (8%)
  • yellow-triangle Every week, but not every day (7%)
  • yellow-triangle Once in a while, but not every week (33%)
  • yellow-triangle Never (52%)

They also asked how many of these kids were bullies themselves. Most of them (58%) said they never bullied others, but the rest said that they did.

  • yellow-triangle 22% said they bullied others once in a while
  • yellow-triangle 5% said they bullied others every week
  • yellow-triangle 15% said they bullied others every day

As you have probably guessed, some kids said they were both bullies and the victims of bullies. Why is that? Kids learn to bully because they have been subjected to mean and unfair treatment themselves, by other kids or by adults. That’s sad, but it’s no excuse. Everyone can choose to act in new and better ways. It’s never too late.

One of our main rules is to never use anything we teach outside our academy unless they need to defend themselves. And we stress this rule every day just to make sure that the power we give your children to defend themselves is never used in the wrong way.

Nevertheless, lets study Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as a form of self-defense. Most Martial Arts programs teach your kid to punch and to kick into air, pads and mirrors – but this is not enough.

Martial Arts program are great for kids self-esteem and confidence, but not all are created equal. For as good as a martial arts program can be at helping a kid through younger years, it can’t mean anything later if the kid realizes that what he learned in class won’t help him in a real confrontation against a stronger child. I have heard some adults look back at their martial arts experience and refer to them as a false feeling of confidence.

Unfortunately, when the teen or kid realizes they have been lied about one thing they assume everything else that they were taught might have been wrong, even if this is not the case.

Kicking and punching bags or air and breaking boards is not enough because most fights end on the ground. So we teach your kid to defend against takedowns, to take opponents down and to defend himself/herself on the ground with an opponent on top. We also teach how to control an opponent without hurting them. That’s why Jiu-Jitsu is the ultimate program for your kid.

It will:

  • yellow-triangle Build confidence
  • yellow-triangle Increase self-esteem
  • yellow-triangle Teach Them Leadership Skills
  • yellow-triangle Increased Physical Aptitude and Fitness
  • yellow-triangle Accelerate Mental Development
  • yellow-triangle Teach Them Realistic Self-Defense Skills

The best proof will be when your child starts applying techniques efficiently against much bigger adults.


Finally, there is a reason why people refer to Jiu-Jitsu as chess on the mat. It is a sport that requires its students to constantly think, concentrate and analyze positions, techniques, variations, and strategy.

The best Jiu-Jitsu athletes are not only physically gifted. They also learn to look at the art as a system of biomechanics and have a great understanding of human anatomy.

By studying Jiu-Jitsu, your child’s mind will be challenged everyday. He or she will find solve puzzles on the mat in every class. How do I do this move more efficiently? Why didn’t this work? How do I make sure that kid doesn’t take me down? Etc…

But there’s so much more. The above explanation is just the tip of the iceberg of the foundation we will give your child to help him or her grow into a strong adult.

Third Law BJJ Kids : Jiu-Jitsu and Martial Arts for Kids in Naples, Florida

Juniors (ages 13-17)

Third Law BJJ Kids : Jiu-Jitsu and Martial Arts for Kids in Naples, Florida

The years between 13 and 17 are very important for children. Any idea why? With high school around the corner, there are many challenges on the way. Here are some to name a few:

Physical: physical illness, acne, physical check-ups, weight worries, eating disorders, infections, height worries

Emotional: relationships, family problems, depression, violence issues

Social: bullying, tobacco and smoking, drugs, saying “no,”peer pressure, friend

Intellectual: nerd vs. popular dilemma, grades, college

It is very important that your child’s transition at this time is smooth because the choices they make during the high school years will have a lot of influence on what kind of adult they turn out to be. With right development, positive reinforcement, and good mentors, your child will be ready to be able to handle the difficult challenges of life ahead.

Picture your child:

He/she is above their peers at an intellectual level. They are not only getting goods grades, but guiding the crowd by being a strong leader that makes positive decisions. He or she perseveres through the most difficult challenges by knowing when to say “no,” by picking and choosing the crowds they hang out with and by knowing how to make and keep friends who will have a positive influence in their lives.

Imagine him/her confident and competent physically and capable of overcoming any physical challenge, but even better picture him/her able to overcome emotional challenges positively.

Sounds good right? This is why we call our program “A Head Start in Life” (www.headstartinlife.com). By enrolling your son or daughter in our Third Law Jiu-Jitsu Kids Program you will be preparing your child and teaching your child how to respond to all of the above scenarios.

Fill Out This Form To Apply Today!

What Students Say...

We absolutely love Team Third Law!
Danielle M.
Danielle M.
00:13 29 May 24
We were looking for a class for our 7 year old that was not only fun but would teach him skills such as respect and discipline. We are thoroughly... enjoying the facility, the way that class is taught, and the kind yet stern nature the coach teaches all the kids. Very impressed!read more
Alejandra E. C.
Alejandra E. C.
17:26 23 May 24
Very welcoming gym, lots of space, and small class sizes!
Jordi P.
Jordi P.
15:47 08 Feb 24
Started the program about two years ago, and before that i had no fighting experience. I was always interested in learning but, found myself always... fearing I would go in, and it be full of ego. However, I was pleasantly surprised upon entering how friendly everyone is and calm even with someone so new to the concept as I. That extends to the staff as well as the other students. They thrust you into sparring at the end of each class (not forced but highly encouraged) even if it is your first class. I wasn't expecting that, but it is what I'm there for, so I went with it. The experience was amazing. The people I sparred with, was all in good fun and very informative in terms of technique and skill. They didn't make it easy though. Wouldn't want them too either. It's a fight it is not supposed to be. But if you ever needed a break from punching each other in the face it was perfectly normal, and you just talk about life for a minute and go back to it. Such an incredible feeling to be on such good terms with people after trying to beat one another up. Jokes, compliments on good hits and combos. No ego in sight. Never in the year and some change did I have a bad experience there and wow what improvement I received to my health and confidence. It translated to all aspects of my life. A real game changer. I had to take a break for a time and canceled my subscription due to life, but when i found time one night around christmas I wanted to see my old sparring partners. I was welcomed with open arms and gloves. They took me in so that I could work with them again and man was I out of shape from taking that break. It really showed me how much it did for me. It was so bad I couldn't confidently spar at the end of the night, so I had to sit it out. I offered to pay for the one class, but they told me the one night was ok. Great people. Great Gym. Special shoutout to Master Roberto. At the time I went he was running the Kickboxing section which is what I mostly did. He was patient, firm, knowledgeable, and fun. My growth over that first year was phenomenal. Thank you, Master Roberto, if you see this. Also, shoutout to Coach Joe. My first ever class was with him in the Boxing class on a Saturday. He whopped me with only jabs I'm pretty sure! Shoutout to Coach Joey as well for filling Master Robertos shoes exceptionally. Always fostering such a positive environment.I am going to be starting again tonight. Wish me luck. Hope to see you there! don't be afraid. They will take good care of you!Sorry it took me so long to write this Master Roberto. Hope to see you soon!read more
Charles H.
Charles H.
23:25 06 Feb 24
I’m not sure how else to ask other than a review, but how much do muy Thai classes cost per month and how many classes are held per week and on what... days?read more
Joshua S.
Joshua S.
02:00 13 Jan 24
Team Third Law is amazing place for kids to learn skills and discipline.
Alyona C.
Alyona C.
02:38 29 Dec 23
Great environment!
Javier P.
Javier P.
17:36 10 Dec 23
The instructor last night was 10 out of 10 he was not only a good instructor but also very friendly and funny. Definitely wanting to come back when I... am in town again love the energy you guys have there.read more
Noah F.
Noah F.
19:34 08 Dec 23
Both great atmosphere and great training/ coaches! You don't often find that combo in martial arts gyms.they've got BBJ (also the he add coach has a... black belt in BJJ and Judo) and Muay Thai. I forgot the name of the two main coaches, but they know what they're doing. I think they've had legit cage fights or something.read more
John S.
John S.
17:05 29 Aug 23
If you're nervous about starting martial arts then I suggest training here. I went in for my first class and I've been here ever since. The... environment is great to work in and as long as you apply what you learn it's well worth the experience and money. I truly recommend third law to anyone new and experiencedread more
Jay “.
Jay “.
16:26 21 Jun 23
My daughter has gone to Team Third Law for 3 years. This past year we did the after school program. We’ve recommended this gym to everyone! The staff... is amazing; quick to respond, trustworthy with kids, encouraging, respectful, stern yet kind. Coach Joe has left such a positive impact on my daughter. He really made all the difference both at the after school program and at practice. My daughter learned a lot both mentally and physically here. It was just what we needed and I’m thankful for everything this facility has taught her.read more
Neka R.
Neka R.
13:36 01 May 23
We have had a wonderful experience at this gym. The coaches are knowledgeable, and the kids are learning much more than just how to submit an... opponent. This gym teaches how to be a good person who is contributing and thriving in society. Worth every penny.read more
Jonathan R.
Jonathan R.
14:00 14 Feb 23
Absolutely love everything about TTLA. They pick up from school, have a routine and structure, yet let the kids have fun. The Jiu Jitsu program is... wonderful. My daughter loves it.read more
18:02 09 Nov 22
I started training here as a beginner in the adults class about seven months ago, and knew right off it was a worthwhile investment of time and... money. My teachers are outstanding, providing a friendly and intellectually stimulating (and occasionally full-crazy) atmosphere. The classes are physically and mentally demanding, but I love it. If you enjoy the challenge of a rigorous workout, or a late-night theological debate, or fighting for your life, Third Law is for you. Give it a shot.read more
Eli H.
Eli H.
23:55 17 Oct 22
I did a drop-in class this week and it was amazing! Master Roberto is a phenomenal teacher and I am looking forward to training here again when I am... back in the area. Thank you!read more
Roger G.
Roger G.
13:28 15 Oct 22
Our son loves Team Third Law Academy. He has grown physically and mentally from BJJ. When he gets home from class, my wife and I hear him singing in... the shower. That’s how much he enjoys going, and that’s how good it is for him holistically.Master Roberto and Coach Joe are fantastic instructors who really care for their students.read more
Scott D.
Scott D.
09:07 27 Sep 22
TTT is simply the best place to practice martial arts. They take you by the hand and make you feel part of a family that really exists. They always... push you up. I would come back as often as life allows. I can only thank Master Roberto, Master Katy, Joe and Joy. They are the best 💪💪💪💪💓💓💓💓read more
Dayrin M.
Dayrin M.
01:42 09 Sep 22
Third Law is the best! My sons attended for 5 years and learned self-discipline, strength, and confidence. Master Roberto, Coaches Katy and Joe are... so helpful and really care about what they do.read more
melissa G.
melissa G.
00:49 08 Sep 22
We love Third Law!
Kayla M.
Kayla M.
15:40 03 Aug 22
Team Third Law is an amazing and very cohesive business, and Martial Arts' learning Center. All members of the staff are very well prepared and... attentive to all students. This place welcomes you from day 1 and its one of the few places left that have not taken God out of the institution. Family oriented and caring, clean, organized, flexible, attentive among other qualities set this place apart. High level competitors and masters from this institution have had great success. Highly recommended.read more
Maddiel M.
Maddiel M.
20:14 14 Jun 22
Our daughter was in the after school program for 2 years. They are the best! She is a hard to handle kid but the coaches at Team Third Law did great... and we had no issues whatsoever for the entire time. Their summer camp is great and very entertaining for the kids. Unfortunately this year we couldn't attend because of a long trip to Europe but I highly recommend them! Thank you for your patience and dedication!read more
Petya C.
Petya C.
00:28 08 Jun 22
The staff at Team Third Law are incredibly respectful, professional, and knowledgeable about martial arts. The coaches take the time to work with... everyone regardless of skill level. They have also created a community where teammates support one another. I would highly recommend Team Third Law to anyone interested in martial arts.read more
Tyler S.
Tyler S.
12:36 26 May 22
Visiting Naples, I was excited to try a women's only class. I loved it so much a did several intro classes throughout the week. Coach Joe is a great... instructor and very professional. Coach Katy challenges you and understands how woman fight. Master Roberto is very knowledge and reminds you that this is a fun art. The three of them were simply amazing! If I lived in Naples I would be here everyday. I can't recommend the Third Law Academy enough.read more
Charmayne K.
Charmayne K.
18:51 08 Nov 21
My family’s experience at Team Third Law was really great! It’s ran so well, very organized and structured. Everyone is always so friendly and ready... to get down to business on the mats. For our first time at a Martial Arts school, Team Third Law has set the bar incredibly high!read more
Chelsea S.
Chelsea S.
01:35 11 Sep 21
My entire family has a membership to this gym. From 4 years old to 30 years old. The facility is top tier, the coaching staff are always friendly and... professional, the community and curriculum they’ve built inside those 4 walls is complete and competitive. From your first day to your last you will always receive the highest level of instruction and advice. This gym is single-handedly creating intelligent, responsible and capable athletes. The lessons you learn will affect you positively both inside and outside of the gym. I cannot say enough great things about this gym and how much it will be missed when I move. If you’re in the area and looking to learn train and grow as an athlete and an individual you’re doing yourself a disservice by not going to Third Law.Two thumbs up.10/105 stars.read more
Kasey S.
Kasey S.
18:08 07 Sep 21
Great facility and amazing staff. It’s a small family business and that’s how they treat my son just like family. Not only do they have an amazing... martials program but they also include imporance of life skills and habits. So happy we chose them.read more
Angela C.
Angela C.
22:21 12 Jul 21
good school, thank you all
Tony S.
Tony S.
16:41 21 May 21
I was visiting Naples on a business trip. I considered a few other schools to visit, but I didn't receive a welcoming vibe from the other schools. I... called Team Third Law Academy and was invited to attend the class for that evening. I had a long day of meetings, and was running late so I called and let them know I wouldn't make it, I didn't want to disrupt their class, but they insisted that I was still welcome and that I come. Once I arrived, I was greeted at the door by coach Formica who immediately invited me onto the mat, and introduced me to an awesome training partner. The coach was thorough, my partner was considerate, I had a great time. After class, I had an opportunity to roll with coach Formica and Professor Roberto Torralbas. They were both tough skilled BJJ practitioners. Everyone at the school was welcoming. They told me continually, that they were my home away from home.If you live in the Naples are make this your home! Visit this school before you commit to any other school in your region. Professor Torralbas and his wife are graduates of Cornell University, and have an after school program geared providing a value added academically enriching opportunity for youth.Make sure you visit them before you decide on a BJJ school in the Naples area. You will love it!!!read more
Joshua S.
Joshua S.
14:24 30 Apr 21
I did two-a-days for a week and it was the best martial arts experience I've ever had. Master Roberto and Coach Joe are excellent, balancing theory... and practice with a high attention to detail. Very attentive to all students regardless of skill level. I fully expect to travel across the country many more times just to train here.read more
Taylor S.
Taylor S.
14:30 25 Apr 21
This school is fantastic. So welcoming and kind. I only saw a week's worth of curriculum but that was excellent. The coaches are all very skilled and... great instructors. If you're looking to grapple in Naples, you've found the place.read more
Patrick P.
Patrick P.
22:29 05 Apr 21
World class instruction. I travel from Portland Oregon to Naples to train under Roberto Torralbas and Joe Formica. The community is extremely... inviting and very ready to train hard. The school is always incredibly clean as well. Could not recommend more.read more
Jordan S.
Jordan S.
22:46 04 Apr 21
Had a wonderful time training at Team Third Law Academy while visiting Naples. The coaches and other students were warm, friendly and welcoming. ... The teaching was excellent and showed a high depth of knowledge. I recommend the school highly!read more
Kritis D.
Kritis D.
21:31 15 Mar 21
Third Law is a wonderful small family business and a great part of the larger jiu-jitsu family. They have formed a very welcoming and highly... competent community of coaches and students.read more
Kellyn R.
Kellyn R.
16:08 18 Jan 21
Team Third law is the best martial arts academy around. They do it all Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, kickboxing etc. The kids after school program is... excellent as well. Highly recommend.read more
AngelTowing C.
AngelTowing C.
19:23 09 Jan 21
Team Third Law has been nothing but a great experience for myself and my son. My son started when he was 4, and I am his 38 year old mom. We both... love that we are able to learn and experience the sport of BJJ together!!read more
Tanya P
Tanya P
19:31 05 Dec 20
I am a mother of 3 kids and I have been using their services for the past 3 years. All I have to say is that they have been phenomenal, they have... treated my kids as their own and have been extremely responsible with everything that they do and offer. The facility is extremely well kept and it’s honestly such a joy to see my kids burn off some energy and most importantly have the time of their life with so many of their friends that they have made because of the teams. I recommend them to everyone because I truly stand by what they are for and i wouldn’t be writing this review if I didn’t. Y lo mejor de todo es que hablan español 10/10!!read more
My husband and I signed up our very energetic but shy 6 year old sons. We needed aftercare for them but with constructive guidance and discipline... while learning a sport. We were pleasantly surprised when we went in for orientation to note that they do pickup from school and help with homework. The added perk is that they are available and open to you on early release days and days when schools are closed. As very busy working parents this Academy is a life saver. My younger son was extremely shy and would not initially participate in activities. Coach Joe was very encouraging and patient with him and now he loves his Martial Arts. Not only are our children safe but they are very happy and disciplined while learning lessons that will aid them not only with academics but with life in general. My very introverted sons are now more extroverted chatterboxes. I highly recommend Third Law Academy, Master Roberto, Coach Katy, Coach Joe and Ms. Mila are a Godsend for those of us without family support.Gillian and Miguelread more
01:55 26 Nov 20
Hands down the best BJJ & martial arts academy around. Master & Coaches r great with the students & children’s after school & summer camps. They r... 110% devoted & so passionate for everyone’s success in their class & in life. Love the life lessons that r taught, as well as the martial arts. Our child has been attending almost 5 years now! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!read more
Amy T.
Amy T.
21:43 25 Nov 20
Our son has thrived here. Outstanding coaches with a thirst for education and adherence to a code of honor. He started in the Ji-Jitsu class and... then went into the afterschool program and the summer program. He is a 1st grader reading at a 4th grade level and his math skills are off the chart. There is no better spent money that at Team Third Law. It could easily be called Third Law Family. Because that's the way you are treated.read more
Ron M.
Ron M.
13:45 16 Oct 20
just took my first ever BJJ class, excellent coaching and very welcoming environment. Be prepared for the work out of your life .will defiantly come... back.read more
Josh M.
Josh M.
11:28 28 Sep 20
Super Friendly and Super Accommodating! Third Law is great about giving folks a chance to check it out and really get acquainted without pressure or... hefty fees. They even have a free 30 day trial! Big, spacious facility and great equipment, main work is BJJ and Muay Thai for adults, and they do a lot of great work for kids and with junior programs. You guys rock!read more
04:12 12 Jun 20
I started going to Team Third Law for martial arts training, and was welcomed by the students and staff. They have expansive facilities and are... thoroughly equipped to teach adults as much as they are willing to learn. As soon as my wife and I felt our son was ready, he too was enrolled, and if I thought the adult program was great, the kids programs are over the top. The level at which the instructors are able to engage the children is staggering. My wife and I are very impressed. Since then, I have also started to do strength training and my wife intends to enroll in martial arts as well. Couldn't recommend Team Third Law enough!read more
Adrian M.
Adrian M.
19:50 20 Apr 20
I can’t express enough how great team third law is. I have my son is the Academic program and Martial Arts program. The academic program has help my... son improved in school and my son love marital program. He always looks forwards coming here. I highly recommend this place.read more
21:55 28 Oct 19
love this place! instructors really want you to learn techniques and why the moves are effective. great way to stay in shape and meet people with... similar interests as opposed to just going to a gymread more
Kimberly C.
Kimberly C.
20:46 27 Aug 19
I've been a member for about seven months now; and this is by and far the best 'gym' experience I have ever had.Master Roberto's method of teaching... and emphasis on technique and learning is an excellent basis to easily learn the basics of BJJ, Boxing, Muy Thai or any of the other sports that are trained.Coaches Katy and Joe truly do an excellent job of Customer Service. Assisting and supporting you through your journey in the Art of Combat Sports.Finally, the people are just as fantastic. This IS NOT an all out, stereotypical, gym. The environment is family-friendly, inviting, open, and everyone is focused on helping each other master the concepts being drilled.I happily and highly recommend this gym to anyone looking to train.read more
Andrew T.
Andrew T.
12:24 21 May 19
Best jiu jitsu school I have trained at.
Santiago “Sam” B.
Santiago “Sam” B.
19:20 01 May 19
I visited for the first time a couple of nights ago, everyone was extremely nice and welcoming. The technique was very good and detail oriented. I'll... definitely be back and would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about trying Jiu-Jitsu or visiting an academy that welcomes visitors without ego.read more
Devin J.
Devin J.
13:26 12 Jan 19
I was in town for a couple of days and absolutely needed a place to train. Team Third Law opened their doors and as soon as warm ups started Coach... Joey made me feel like part of the family. I have trained all over the country and I can say that the techniques thought at Third Law is some of the best. I was very impressed by how well the coaches can break down the moves so that everyone at all levels of the sport can pick them up no problem. Next time i'm back in area i'll definitely be stopping by.read more
Brandon F.
Brandon F.
21:41 17 Dec 18
This gym has a really great group of people. I felt very welcomed and was right at home. They have great instructors and a very superb gym. I will... definitely be returning every time I am here from Ohio.read more
Justin R.
Justin R.
03:52 20 Oct 18
Our children have been with Master Roberto, Coach Katy and Team Third Law for over 5 years now. Team Third Law is a great partner who reinforces... what we strive to teach at home. They not only help our kids stay strong physically but also mentally. I appreciate these professionals and completely trust them with our children.read more
Mai H.
Mai H.
15:07 01 Oct 18
My son Cory has attended Third Law for 6 years now. Starting as a little ninja and is now on the kids competition team. He was in the after school... program. He went to summer camp many times. He has made many great friends and has been mentored by all of the awesome instructors! They are great people! Every facet of training in Jiu Jitsu and mentoring in life lessons has made a huge and positive impact on him. As a single mother I can’t stress how grateful i am for their presence and genuine interest in how my son grows and develops into manhood. Team Third Law absolutely rocks!!!!! M Cannanread more
Flappy The F.
Flappy The F.
19:15 30 Sep 18
Third Law should become your Jiu Jitsu home. The instruction is top-notch, the atmosphere is family (with everyone helping each other succeed.) You... will get in the best shape of your life and you will learn to do things that you never thought you could.read more
Scott K.
Scott K.
18:29 28 Sep 18
A fantastic judo dojo! All of the instructors are high level, and very friendly. Great place for all ages to learn Martial arts and make friends in a... safe atmosphere.read more
Sasaki J.
Sasaki J.
04:33 28 Sep 18
Such a great program for our kids and family. Would recommend to any parent interested in having their child maintain a healthy physical lifestyle.
William I.
William I.
23:45 27 Sep 18
Great place for beginners and advanced students. Instruction is simplified, but still includes great in depth details which is key in BJJ. Highly... suggest for anybody in the Naples, FL area to check it out when looking for a place to train, learn self-defense, or simply get into shape!read more
09:34 22 Aug 18
Thanks so much for making us feel welcome and putting on a great class! Will come back whenever we are in town 😎
Kimberly C.
Kimberly C.
08:13 17 Jul 18
As I'm from another country I really felt welcome. I was helped by Cathy and I got everything I needed to know so I could properly start. Didn't even... bring a Gi with me but it was no hassle whatsoever.The class was a good combination of well rounded people and some new guys. As I'm a white belt myself I didn't feel uncomfortable at any point. Lot of mutual respect between the students.Our coaches and professor demonstrated a lot of knowledge and were able to make us combine a lot of techniques. At the end we mastered a couple of new moves and practiced some varieties on them.Very nice group, amazing atmosphere and super nice facilities. Would definitely recommend it!read more
Martin H.
Martin H.
21:03 27 May 18
We are 4 months in and our son loves this place. They don't just teach Jiu Jitsu - the classes incorporate life lessons about respect, discipline,... family, etc. The staff and teachers are EXCELLENT - we highly recommend.read more
Jason H.
Jason H.
16:41 17 May 18
Joining Team Third Law was the best decision I have made since moving to Naples. It is exactly what I was looking for in a martial arts school. On... top of having a great adults program, the kids programming is exceptional as well. If I had kids they would be in this program as soon as they were old enough. I refer friends to the kids program for their children. I would refer Team Third Law to anyone who's looking to compete, to someone just looking to learn some self defense skills. It has an element for everyone, without the intimidation factor that you find at other facilities. This is a warm, but hardworking environment .read more
Carly D.
Carly D.
13:16 09 Mar 18
Thanks so much for the awesome class and for letting me drop in while I’m in town. I had a great time here today. Very friendly and welcoming. I... greatly appreciate that. Looking forward to coming back soon!!read more
Alexander S.
Alexander S.
19:34 07 Mar 18
Love this place. They are great with kids, teach the basics of jujitsu while also instilling great values and life lessons.
Oscar N.
Oscar N.
21:53 06 Mar 18
I visited the gym while visiting Naples to book some private lessons with coach Joey. I was not only impressed with my training with coach Joey but... also with their group classes. I was welcomed as soon as I walked in the gym, the atmosphere was outstanding, felt like I have been training there for years; the way Master Roberto lays out the lesson plan and teaches is amazing. This is a family oriented gym and that I was why I also decided to bring my kids for privates which they loved! Well done Team Third Law, will be back as soon as I return to Naples!read more
fernando T.
fernando T.
18:31 04 Jan 18
My son and I were visiting from out of town over the holidays and needed a place for him to train since he's a varsity high school wrestler in... California. Katy and Joey were super friendly and very accommodating, letting us work out for a few days. The facilities were great - exactly what we needed as wrestlers to help us get in a good work out. Perfect temperature in the room where we trained, making for a nice soft mat, and they had plenty of other great amenities. Thanks guys!!read more
Max W.
Max W.
19:08 02 Jan 18
Very impressed by facility and coaching staff! Respectful and professional from staff to participants. No attitudes just a sincere focus on fun and... training.read more
Jim G.
Jim G.
14:10 31 Dec 17
Great facility with even better instruction and training!
Nick D.
Nick D.
20:28 19 Dec 17
I was visiting town on business and looking for a place to train in the evenings. I called Third Law and they happily welcomed me. Students and staff... alike were very friendly and accommodating. The Third Law team treated me like one of their own, giving me pointers and showing me the nuance of technique that is so crucial to jiu jitsu. I was never ignored or treated like an outsider. The quality of instruction was top notch and I have come away a better BJJ player for my short time there!read more
Eric O.
Eric O.
18:32 15 Dec 17
This academy is amazing! I have trained all over the US and not only is this facility very professional and well kept, The Third Law academy exceeded... my expectations for hospitality and most importantly instruction. Prof. Roberto treated me like his own student even though I was a guest and showed some really cool techniques. Can't wait to come back next time I'm in town!read more
Kevin O
Kevin O
22:30 22 Nov 17
I've been to a few martial arts gyms back in Idaho and ego has always dominated. Here at third law, I sensed very little ego and the camaraderie was... refreshing. A true war clan, I"m becoming a student today. On that note, they make it very very easy to join and pay monthly.read more
Johan Van' D.
Johan Van' D.
22:05 09 Nov 17
Third Law is an amazing BJJ school that not only allows for students of all ages to learn a martial art and receive physical education, but have also... combined the wonders of a martial arts dojo with an after school turtoring center. With large clean facilities, and great mentors and teachers, I would recommend Third Law to anyone beginner or advanced as the BJJ school of Naples, Florida.read more
R S.
R S.
04:42 09 Nov 17
It's been an amazing experience training at Team Third Law. It's a very clean, friendly, welcoming atmosphere. The coaches are all great at breaking... down techniques in an understandable way. I'm proud to call this my BJJ home.read more
Mario M.
Mario M.
23:01 08 Nov 17
11/3/17 Visiting Naples on vacation. I received recommendation to try Third Law BJJ. I found Friendly and inviting staff with detailed instruction.... Got some excellent rolls in. I would highly recommend this school for training. Larry B/ Purple beltread more
Franky Z
Franky Z
21:42 03 Nov 17
When you first walk in to Third Law Academy the atmosphere is amazing. The staff is very humble and go out of their way to insure you understand... everything that is taught. If you are looking for a gym in this area I would recomend this place. I hope to one day be in this area again so that I can train here again.read more
Eric W.
Eric W.
13:38 01 Nov 17
I visited the gym when I was in town for work. I had an absolute blast! The instructor showed some great techniques and his method of instruction... was well received by the class. From the second we walked through the door, we were greeted and accepted as if we had been training there for years. I’m definitely hoping more trips to FL are in my future! I highly recommend this club!!!read more
john H.
john H.
21:10 31 Oct 17
I was in town for a few days and was able to drop in for a night. The school was large and well lit, with a lot of mat space. The instructor was... extremely welcoming as was the team, and I felt included in everything. I was having some trouble with the finer details of some of the technique, as my home gym uses a much different guard-passing system, and a brown belt helping with the class took the time come over and point out where I was going wrong. At the end of class I got to roll with a blue belt (same as me) and he was extremely tough with an awesome bottom half guard, which I could not pass to save my life. The instructors invited me back the next day, but I could not due to time constraints. Overall, I was very impressed, and had a great time training at third law.read more
Devin R.
Devin R.
14:09 17 Aug 17
Great staff and coaching. It's a very friendly, non-intimidating environment. When you join, you can choose between all jiu-jitsu, all muay thai, or... both. I'd highly recommend them, love it there!read more
Christopher E.
Christopher E.
14:57 25 Jul 17
Third Law is a great place to train in Naples. I had the pleasure of visiting while on vacation. Coach Kathy started with the grand tour of this... sprawling facility with three separate mat areas. Roberto Torralbas teaches a very detailed beginners class followed by rolling and advanced (which could have gone to 1am and most often does). I had a blast rolling with both Coaches Joey and Joe. They pushed the pace to make sure I stayed on track for my upcoming Fight to Win match. I'll be back soon.read more
Kodiak F.
Kodiak F.
20:12 06 Jul 17
Best quality of instructors I have ever experienced!! I'd recommend this place a million times over!
Mark D.
Mark D.
02:37 30 May 17
So jealous of guys and gals that get to call this place home. I stopped in with my girlfriend while traveling to train BJJ and they couldn't possibly... have been more hospitable. The facility itself is very clean with tons of mat space but the most impressive part was the level of instruction from both Roberto and Joe. I have trained at a lot of different gyms while on the road and this is one I will make an effort to return to. Rolling with Roberto and Joe made me feel like a white belt again, in the best possible way. There is no better training this side of Florida, and so close to the beach too!read more
Luke F.
Luke F.
09:40 12 Apr 17
Boyfriend and I are travelling around the country, training BJJ whenever possible. This place is one of the best gyms we've been to. Incredibly warm... and welcoming, very professional attitude and culture, and a top notch blackbelt instructor who trains hard and is actively competing. Excellent teaching style - kind and a great sense of humor. No big egos here.read more
Christina F.
Christina F.
14:58 09 Apr 17
I was visiting from out of town and stopped in for a roll. Let me tell you that this was one of the best run schools that I've ever attended. The... instructors were exceptional and the students were welcoming. I highly recommend Team Third Law Academy!!!read more
Matt S.
Matt S.
19:54 08 Apr 17
Was visiting the area from Minnesota and wanted to get some training in. I called and Katie invited me to stop in. No charge, just come by. I walked... in and literally every single person greeted me with a handshake or a pound. Joe the instructor was super friendly and was kind enough to grapple with me at the end of class. Really great experience and I hope to swing through next time I'm in the area. Great place.read more
Dan G.
Dan G.
21:00 24 Mar 17
Every one at Team Third law is very friendly and helpful. Making it a fun place to train and get a great work out. they really break everything down... and make it easy for anyone to understand the techniques.read more
noah L.
noah L.
11:25 12 Mar 17
Team Third Law is the best place in Naples to learn BJJ and Muay Thai. Master Roberto and the coaches are extremely knowledgable and committed to... delivering high quality instruction in a friendly environment for kids and adults.read more
Tarik M.
Tarik M.
02:39 12 Mar 17
I am very lucky to have found Team Third Law . The team there master Roberto ,coach Katie, and all the guys are more like family . Jiu Jitsu has... become my style of life and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world . It has changed my life for the better and has helped me grow as a person. #1 school in Florida .read more
Too the M.
Too the M.
02:13 12 Mar 17
I will never forget the day that Mario and I found out about team third law and we had our first orientation. I thought we were just going to watch a... video and just fill some papers . boy was I wrong ! From the very first day we were introduced to the mats and some starter techniques and of course I was freaking out. We always went to the gym and worked out before but this sport just seemed scary but we gave it a try . Let me tell you these are the friendliest down to earth people I have ever met and they made us feel just at home . If you have never done any sports before don't worry they will have patience with you because I know coach Katy and Master Roberto have had more than enough patience with me and you will never feel pressured or embarrassed . I can honestly say team third law blessed us and opened the door to many opportunities and great friends.read more
Diana C.
Diana C.
02:10 12 Mar 17
I was on vacation in the area and dropped in at Third Law for BJJ. Staff was extremely friendly and welcoming. Great facility with lots of mat space.... Class was well structured with a good warm up followed by technique, drilling and sparring at the end.read more
Moe M.
Moe M.
21:50 10 Mar 17
Came in on a 6 week vacation looking for a workout. Had done just enough BJJ in the past to hurt myself. I met Coach Joe after looking at 3rd Law... website. He was friendly and kind at sign up. I'm an old man but in good shape. I was pleased to find there were other fogies in there. The workouts are great, Joe being my main Coach. The other students to a person are pleasant. After the hour long flow drills there is a half hr of grappling. I last about 10 minutes now compared to 1 minute 5 weeks ago. I've learned that BJJ is a marathon not a sprint. I plan to continue at 3rd Law as I transition from a Yankee part timer to a FLA resident. Master Roberto has a great program with excellent facilities and instructors including Joe, Joey and Katy. Old or young, male or female, rookie or expert, you can't go wrong with Team 3rd Law.read more
Pat S.
Pat S.
22:51 15 Feb 17
Great school, friendly and very inviting! They wouldn't even let me pay for some classes as I was in town visiting! I will definitely go there next... time I'm in townread more
aaron M.
aaron M.
21:35 02 Feb 17
I'm only visiting Naples for a few days, but I was able to go train today for the noon nogi class...Facility, staff, and students all get top... marks...If you're visiting Naples, make your vacation better with some good training/rolls with Team Third Law...and if you're a local wanting to make a positive change in your life this is the place to goread more
Patchez C.
Patchez C.
21:15 30 Jan 17
I was visiting Naples from Vancouver Canada and was hoping to find a place to train. Team Third Law was just the place. Their staff are extremely... welcoming and provided exactly what I was looking for. A great workout, superb facility, and first class instruction and students. Thanks for the visit!read more
David S.
David S.
20:28 01 Jan 17
Great place to learn and have fun.
Abigail H.
Abigail H.
02:23 29 Dec 16
Excellent Bjj academy, very technical skills professors, friendly staff and great team mates. Feels like home training here. Thank you professor... Roberto Torralbas and professor Joe Formica for having me on every trip to Naples.read more
00:35 29 Dec 16